The Factory

Welcome to The Factory! Enjoy a fusion of Swedish home-cooked meals and global flavours. Our menu is all about fresh seasonal ingredients, offering a mix of international dishes with a creative twist. Take your pick from four unique dishes, along with a colorful salad buffet and tasty desserts.

Lunch W. 49



Fried rice med wokade grönsaker, tofu, ägg, jordnötter och sirachayoghurt
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Krämig fiskgryta med räkor, musslor, julienne grönsaker och delikatesspotatis
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Brässerad kalvstek, syrad gurka, gräddsås, vinbärsgelé och kokt persiljepotatis
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Fried rice with stir-fried vegetables, tofu, eggs, peanuts and siracha yogurt
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Creamy fish stew with prawns, mussels, julienned vegetables and delicatessen potatoes
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Braised veal roast, pickled cucumber, cream sauce, currant jelly and boiled parsley potatoes
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Soft ice cream with accessories
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Bön- och linsbiffar med chilicremé, vego chorizo, haricots verts och stekt potatis
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Krämig laxpasta med tomater, örter, spenat och lagrad hårdost
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"Flygande Jacob" kycklinglårfilé med chilisås, bacon, banan, jordnötter och ångad basmatiris
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Bean and lentil steaks with chili cream, vego chorizo, green beans and fried potatoes
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Creamy salmon pasta with tomatoes, herbs, spinach and aged hard cheese
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"Flying Jacob" chicken thigh fillet with chili sauce, bacon, banana, peanuts and steamed basmati rice
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Soft ice cream with accessories
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"Paneer masala" indisk gryta med ost, spenat, linser, blomkål samt basmatiris
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Friterad torskfilé med tartarsås, citron, morot- och fänkålssallad, ångad delikatesspotatis
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Five spice fläskarré med wokade grönsaker, soja- och sesamsås och ångat basmatiris
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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"Paneer masala" Indian stew with cheese, spinach, lentils, cauliflower and basmati rice
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Fried cod fillet with tartar sauce, lemon, carrot and fennel salad, steamed deli potatoes
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Five spice pork curry with stir-fried vegetables, soy and sesame sauce and steamed basmati rice
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Soft ice cream with accessories
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Vegetarisk chili sin carne på sojafärs, bönor, chili, vitlök, ångat basmatiris
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Pocherad sejfilé med krämig hummersås, rostad blomkål och dillslungad potatis
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Kryddiga järpar "kebab" med ugnsbakad broccoli, lime- och vitlöksyoghurt och rostad potatis
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Pannkakor med sylt och grädde
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Vegetarian chili sin carne on soy mince, beans, chili, garlic, steamed basmati rice
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Poached pollock fillet with creamy lobster sauce, roasted cauliflower and dill-tossed potatoes
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Spicy yerba "kebab" with oven-baked broccoli, lime and garlic yoghurt and roasted potatoes
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Pancakes with jam and cream
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Broccoli- och ädelostpaj med paprikacréme, ruccola och tomatsallad
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Tandoori fiskfilé med raita, stekta grönsaker, mangosalsa och ångat basmatiris
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"Tonkatsu" japansk kycklingschnitzel med krämig kålsallad och ångat sushiris
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Broccoli and blue cheese pie with paprika cream, arugula and tomato salad
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Tandoori fish fillet with raita, fried vegetables, mango salsa and steamed basmati rice
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"Tonkatsu" Japanese chicken schnitzel with creamy coleslaw and steamed sushi rice
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Soft ice cream with accessories
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