The Factory

Welcome to The Factory! Enjoy a fusion of Swedish home-cooked meals and global flavours. Our menu is all about fresh seasonal ingredients, offering a mix of international dishes with a creative twist. Take your pick from four unique dishes, along with a colorful salad buffet and tasty desserts.

Lunch W. 07



Krämig tortellini med soltorkade tomater, vegetarisk chorizo, spenat och mozzarella ost
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Dill- och färskostbakad sej med räkor, sparris, vitvinssås och ångad delikatesspotatis
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Stekt majskycklingfilé med grön curry, thaibasilika, jordnötter, wokade grönsaker och ångat basmatiris
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Tomato and cheese gratinated canneloni, riccotta, spinach with Grana Padano and arugula
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Dill and cream cheese baked saithe with shrimp, asparagus, white wine sauce and steamed delicatessen potatoes
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Fried corn chicken fillet with green curry, Thai basil, peanuts, stir-fried vegetables and steamed basmati rice
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Soft ice cream with toppings
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Ört- och halloumi smaksatt morotsraggmunkar med stekt quornfilé och tzatziki
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Panko- och mandelstekt koljafilé med örtagårdsås, dillslungad zucchini och kokt potatis
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Lyxig viltskavsgryta med kantareller, potatispuré, messmör och lingonsylt
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Herb and halloumi flavoured carrot ragu donuts with fried quorn fillet and tzatziki
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Miso-baked salmon fillet, ponzu sauce, marinated cucumber salad, sesame seeds and sushi rice
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Luxurious venison stew with chanterelles, mashed potatoes, butter and lingonberry jam
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Soft ice cream with toppings
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Sojafärsbiffar med löksky, stekt potatis, haricots verts och lingonsylt
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Misobakad laxfilé, ponzusås, marinerad gurksallad, sesamfrön och sushiris
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The Factorys lamm vindaloo med biryani ris, rostad mandel, russin och raita
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Soy meatballs with onion sauce, fried potatoes, green beans and lingonberry jam
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Panko and almond-fried pollock fillet with basil cream, dill-spun zucchini and boiled potatoes
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The Factory's lamb vindaloo with biryani rice, roasted almonds, raisins, raita and mango salsa
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Soft ice cream with toppings
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Bami goreng med nudlar, wokade grönsaker, lime, ingefära och strimlad "chicken style" soja strips
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Sydfransk fiskgryta på sej- och lax, saffran, tomat, fänkål och aioli
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Högrevs färsbiffar med piclad rödlök, gräddsås, ugnsrostad gotlandspotatis och bakad kålsallad
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Pannkakor med sylt och grädde
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Bami goreng with noodles, stir-fried vegetables, lime, ginger and shredded "chicken style" soy strips
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Southern French fish stew of cod and salmon with saffron, tomato, fennel and aioli
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High-grilled minced meat steaks with pickled red onion, cream sauce, oven-roasted Gotland potatoes and baked coleslaw
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Pancakes with jam and cream
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Vegetarisk sojaburgare med bröd, chilimajonnäs och klassisk coleslawsallad
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Fiskfärsbiffar med dillmajonäs, morot, stekt potatis och syrlig gurksallad
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Grillad kycklingspett, kalv tritip och chorizo med potatisgratäng och goda tillbehör
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Vegetarian soy burger with bread, chili mayonnaise and classic coleslaw salad
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Fish fillet steaks with dill mayonnaise, carrot, fried potatoes and sour cucumber salad
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Grilled chicken skewers, veal tritip and chorizo with potato gratin and tasty side dishes
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Soft ice cream with toppings
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