Restaurant Seaside

Welcome to Seaside. Enjoy a fusion of Swedish home-cooked meals and global favors. Our menu is all about fresh seasonal ingredients, offering a mix of international dishes with a creative twist. Take your pick from three unique dishes, along with a colorful salad buffet and tasty desserts.

Lunch W. 03



Vegetariska tortillas med tomatsalsa och jalapenos
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Ångad sej med äggsås serveras med smörslungad potatis och ärtor
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Wokade nudlar med fläsk & grönsaker, sesam- & hoisinsås
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Vegetarian tortillas with tomato salsa and jalapenos
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Steamed sej with egg sauce served with butter-tossed potatoes and peas
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Stir-fried noodles with pork & vegetables, sesame & hoisin sauce
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Grönärtssoppa med crème fraiche, brödkrutonger och rostade frön
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Pestobakad sej med varm bulgursallad
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Kålpudding med kokt potatis, gräddsås och lingonsylt
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Green pea soup with crème fraiche, bread croutons and roasted seeds - copy
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Pesto-baked cod with warm bulgur salad
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Cabbage pudding with boiled potatoes, cream sauce and lingonberry jam
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Falafel med tabbouleh och hummus
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Ugnsbakad fiskfilé serveras med gubbröra och brynt smör
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Chilibakad fläskkarré med Sriracha yoghurt och grönsaksris
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Falafel with tabbouleh and hummus
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Oven-baked fish fillet served with old man's batter and browned butter
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Chili-baked pork tenderloin with Sriracha yogurt and vegetable rice
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Vegobollar med potatismos och lingonsylt
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Fiskgratäng serveras med potatismos
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Kyckling Fajita gryta med nachos och ris
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Vego balls with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam
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Fish gratin served with mashed potatoes
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Chicken Fajita Casserole with Nachos and Rice
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Vegofärssås med pasta
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Fish and chips med tartarsås
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Helstekt fläskkarré med rostad potatis och bearnaisesås
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Vegetable minced meat sauce with pasta
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Fish and chips with tartar sauce
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Roasted loin of pork with roasted potatoes and béarnaise sauce
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