Restaurant Seaside

Welcome to Seaside. Enjoy a fusion of Swedish home-cooked meals and global favors. Our menu is all about fresh seasonal ingredients, offering a mix of international dishes with a creative twist. Take your pick from three unique dishes, along with a colorful salad buffet and tasty desserts.

Lunch W. 08



Nudelwok med vegofärs, chili och rostade sesamfrön
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Fiskfile med sesamtäcke, serveras med sötsur sås och grönsaksris
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Korv stroganoff med ris
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Noodle wok with minced meat, chili and roasted sesame seeds
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Fish fillet with sesame coating, served with sweet and sour sauce and vegetable rice
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Sausage stroganoff with rice
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Falafel med couscous, libabröd samt vitlökssås
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Örtbakad fisk med kokt potatis och vitvinssås
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Rostad kycklingklubba mer vitlökspotatis och ajvarkräm
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Falafel with couscous, liba bread and garlic sauce
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Herb-baked fish with boiled potatoes and white wine sauce
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Roasted chicken leg with garlic potatoes and ajvar cream
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Potatis och purjolöksoppa serveras med bröd
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Panerad rödspätta med kokt potatis och dansk remouladsås
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Citronbakad kycklingfilé med ljummen bulgursallad och chimichurri
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Potatis och purjolöksoppa serveras med bröd
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Breaded plaice with boiled potatoes and Danish remoulade sauce
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Lemon-baked chicken fillet with lukewarm bulgur salad and chimichurri
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Okonomiyaki – japansk kålpannkaka, serveras med rostade sesamfrön och soyamajonäs med sting
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Pasta med krämig citronsås, kallrökt lax och spenat
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Gulaschsoppa på färs, serveras med creme fraiche och hembaktbröd
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Okonomiyaki – Japanese cabbage pancake, served with toasted sesame seeds and soy mayonnaise with a twist
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Pasta with creamy lemon sauce, cold smoked salmon and spinach
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Goulash soup with minced meat, served with creme fraiche and homemade bread
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Vegetarisk Tacos serveras med nachos, tomatsås och ost
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Fish and chips med tartarsås
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Pulled pork, rostad potatis, piclad lök och chilimajo
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Vegetarian Tacos served with nachos, tomato sauce and cheese
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Fish and chips with tartar sauce
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Pulled pork, roasted potatoes, pickled onions and chili sauce
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