The Factory

Welcome to The Factory! Enjoy a fusion of Swedish home-cooked meals and global flavours. Our menu is all about fresh seasonal ingredients, offering a mix of international dishes with a creative twist. Take your pick from four unique dishes, along with a colorful salad buffet and tasty desserts.

Lunch W. 03



Gnocchi pomodoro, basilika, oumph, svartpeppar och lagrad hårdost
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Stekt strömmingsflundra med potatispuré, lingon, gröna ärtor och skirat smör
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Pepparstekt fläskkarré med löksky, potatispuré och picklade rotfrukter
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Gnocchi pomodoro, basil, oumph, black pepper and aged hard cheese
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Fried flounder with potato puree, lingonberries, green peas and clarified butter
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Pepper-fried loin of pork with onion cloud, potato puree and pickled root vegetables
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Soft ice cream with accessories
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Soja- och grönsaksbiffar med karamelliserad lök, lingon och stekt potatis
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Fiskgratäng med dill- och citronsås rostade rotfrukter samt duchesspotatis
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Kycklinglårfilé med tomat skysås, ångat ris, rostad mandel och russin samt gremolata stekt zucchini
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Soy and vegetable patties with caramelized onions, lingonberries and fried potatoes
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Fish gratin with dill and lemon sauce, roasted root vegetables and duchess potatoes
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Chicken thigh fillet with tomato sky sauce, steamed rice, roasted almonds and raisins and gremolata fried zucchini
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Soft ice cream with accessories
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Asiatisk gryta på tofu, wokgrönsaker, chili, vitlök, sesam och sushiris
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Pasta med rökt lax, räkor, purjolök, cocktailtomater, paprika, vitvinssås och spenat
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Stekt pannbiff med svampsås, karameliseradlök, persilja och rostad potatis
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Asian stew with tofu, wok vegetables, chili, garlic, sesame and sushi rice
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Pasta with smoked salmon, prawns, leeks, cocktail tomatoes, peppers, white wine sauce and spinach
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Fried pan steak with mushroom sauce, caramelized onions, parsley and roasted Gotland potatoes
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Soft ice cream with accessories
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Tortellini med ricotta och spenat, stekta grönsaker och ostsås
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Pocherad sejfilé med äggsås, räkor, persilja och delikatesspotatis
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Boeuf bourguignon på högrev, rödvin, syltlök, champinjoner, bacon, basmatiris och persilja
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Pannkakor med sylt och grädde
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Tortellini with ricotta and spinach, fried vegetables and cheese sauce
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Poached pollock fillet with egg sauce, prawns, parsley and delicatessen potatoes
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Boeuf bourguignon on prime rib, red wine, pickled onions, mushrooms, bacon, basmati rice and parsley
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Pancakes with jam and cream
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Vegetarisk paj med svamp, grönkål, rödlök, ost samt tomat- och bönsallad
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Ugnsbakad fisk med rostad blomkål, ärtor, dragon och kokt potatis
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Panerad kycklinglårfilé med kimchislaw, sriracha majonäs, haricots verts & ugnsrostad potatis
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Vegetarian pie with mushrooms, kale, red onion, cheese and tomato and bean salad
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Oven-baked fish with roasted cauliflower, peas, tarragon and boiled potatoes
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Breaded chicken thigh fillet with kimchislaw, sriracha mayonnaise, green beans & oven-roasted potatoes
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Soft ice cream with accessories
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