The Factory

Welcome to The Factory! Enjoy a fusion of Swedish home-cooked meals and global flavours. Our menu is all about fresh seasonal ingredients, offering a mix of international dishes with a creative twist. Take your pick from four unique dishes, along with a colorful salad buffet and tasty desserts.

Lunch W. 08



Ost- och äggpanerad zucchini, rökt tofu, tomatsås och saffransris
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Ugnsbakad koljafilé med gubbröra, brynt smör, gräslök och ångad delikatesspotatis
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Kycklingwok med stekta grönsaker, hoisinsås, koriander, cashewnötter och sushiris
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Cheese and egg breaded zucchini, smoked tofu, tomato sauce and saffron rice
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Oven-baked haddock fillet with old-fashioned mashed potatoes, browned butter, chives and steamed delicatessen potatoes
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Chicken wok with fried vegetables, hoisin sauce, coriander, cashew nuts and sushi rice
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Soft ice cream with toppings
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Quornfärsbiffar med fetaost, oliver, soltorkade tomater, stekt potatis och tzatziki
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Färskostfylld regnbågslax med räkor, dillslungad zucchini , vitvinssås och ångad potatis
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Örtbräserad kalvstek med grönkål, cidersås, äppelmos och persiljepotatis
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Quorn meatballs with feta cheese, olives, sun-dried tomatoes, fried potatoes and tzatziki
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Cream cheese stuffed rainbow salmon with shrimp, dill-spun zucchini, white wine sauce and steamed potatoes
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Herb-braised veal steak with kale, cider sauce, applesauce and parsley potatoes
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Soft ice cream with toppings
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Vegetarisk pytt i panna med sojabitar, inlagda rödbetor och stekt ägg
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Stekt strömming med potatispuré, lingonsylt, syrad gurka och brynt smör
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Pannbiff med karamelliserad lök, persilja, skysås, lingonsylt, syrad gurka och potatis puré
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Vegetarian pot pie in a pan with soy cubes, pickled beets and fried egg
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Fried herring flounder with mashed potatoes, lingonberries, green peas and clarified butter
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Pan-fried steak with caramelized onions, parsley, sky sauce, lingonberry jam, pickles and fried potatoes
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Soft ice cream with toppings
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Vegetarisk lasagne med sojafärs, grönsaker, tomat, basilika och lagrad hårdost
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Ångad torskfilé med skaldjurssås, sparris, räkor, dill och potatisstomp
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Rostad kycklingfilé "BBQ" stekta grönsaker, chorizo, stekt potatis och chipotlemajonnäs
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Pannkakor med sylt och grädde
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Vegetarian lasagna with soy minced meat, vegetables, tomato, basil and aged hard cheese
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Steamed haddock fillet with seafood sauce, asparagus, shrimp, dill and potato mash
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Roasted chicken fillet "BBQ" fried vegetables, chorizo, fried potatoes and chipotle mayonnaise
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Pancakes with jam and cream
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Halloumi-och rödbetsbiffar med örtkeso, rostade pumpafrön och matvetesallad
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Enkelpanerad fiskfilé med kall romsås, dillslungad rotfrukter och ångad delikatesspotatis
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Schnitzel cordon bleu, skysås, stekt potatis, haricots verts och citronklyftor
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Mjukglass med tillbehör
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Halloumi and beetroot steaks with herb cottage cheese, roasted pumpkin seeds and wheat salad
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Simply breaded fish fillet with cold roe sauce, dill-sprinkled root vegetables and steamed delicatessen potatoes
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Schnitzel cordon bleu, sky sauce, fried potatoes, haricots verts and lemon wedges
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Soft ice cream with toppings
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