Restaurant Seaside

Welcome to Seaside. Enjoy a fusion of Swedish home-cooked meals and global favors. Our menu is all about fresh seasonal ingredients, offering a mix of international dishes with a creative twist. Take your pick from three unique dishes, along with a colorful salad buffet and tasty desserts.

Lunch W. 06



Enchiladas med sojafärs och bönor serveras med het tomatsås
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Fiskgryta med räkor och aioli, serveras med kokt potatis
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Köttbullar med kokt potatis, gräddsås lingon
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Enchiladas with soy mince and beans served with hot tomato sauce
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Fish stew with shrimp and aioli, served with boiled potatoes
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Meatballs with boiled potatoes, lingonberry cream sauce
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Vegetariska vårrullar med stekta nudlar och lime/chilidressing
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Panerad fisk med kokt potatis & remouladsås
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Portergryta på fläskkött, serveras med kokt potatis
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Vegetarian spring rolls with fried noodles and lime/chili dressing
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Panerad fisk med kokt potatis & remouladsås
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Pork porter stew, served with boiled potatoes
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Het linssoppa på röda linser med kokos, serveras med vitlöksbröd
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Fisk i krämig citronsås serveras med kokt potatis
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Köttfärslimpa med svampsås, lingon och rostad potatis
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Hot lentil soup made with red lentils and coconut, served with garlic bread
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Fisk i krämig citronsås serveras med kokt potatis
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Meatloaf with mushroom sauce, lingonberries and roasted potatoes
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Potatisbullar med vitlök, stekt svamp och zucchini ,serveras med rårörda lingon
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Ugnsbakad fisk med quinoasallad och kall örtsås
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Dansk fläsksida på svensk rapsgris, serveras med rostad potatis och äppelgräddsås
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Potato balls with garlic, fried mushrooms and zucchini, served with raw stir-fried lingonberries
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Baked fish with quinoa salad and cold herb sauce
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Danish pork side on Swedish pork, served with roasted potatoes and apple cream sauce
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Vegetarisk tacopaj med tomatsalsa
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Ångad sej med pepparrotssås bakad rödbeta
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Örtmarinerad kycklingfilé med potatisgratäng och skysås
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Vegetarian taco pie with tomato salsa
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Steamed saithe with horseradish sauce and baked beetroot
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Herb-marinated chicken fillet with potato gratin and sky sauce
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